contemplative prayer

Contemplative Prayer is prayer without words. It is resting in the Divine Presence in silence without an expectation of an immediate payoff or insight. Experiencing God’s Silence becomes the most radical form of prayer as we do not try to promise God anything, or manipulate God to do something for us. It is based on the assumption that God is already with us and predisposed to give us all good things.

Contemplative Prayer cannot be taught. Ancient Christian tradition teaches that this type of prayer is a pure gift from God, for all people, not just a select few. Yet there are methods that prepare us for this Contemplative Prayer; PCF uses one called Centering Prayer.

This prayer practice offers the simple approach of using a ‘sacred word’ or other symbol to signify our intention to consent to God’s presence and action. Practitioners sit for a specified period in a day and ‘practice’ detaching from thoughts, returning ever-so-gently to the sacred symbol upon recognizing we are again caught up in the mind’s usual activities. As a person comes to understand that we can never turn off the flow of thoughts–only learn not to give them our attention–a new path opens through which we can relax into our depths in silence, and into the waiting presence of the God who dwells within.