Prison Contemplative Fellowship is pleased to present the documentary film Holding Still

“Powerful, moving and inspiring, ‘Holding Still’ helps you to see not only inmates in a new light, but God in a new light.”

James Martin, SJ
author of Learning to Pray

The film Holding Still focuses on a diverse group of men speaking candidly about their years-long journey practicing Centering Prayer while serving time at Folsom Prison. They share their stories and wisdom with the intention of bringing this practice to other incarcerated men and women, knowing the power of the practice to heal trauma and transform toxic shame.

Through personal testimony, viewers will understand and more importantly emotionally connect with the experience of recovery each individual describes. These men share their deepest emotions and profound experiences.

The viewer will come to understand that Centering Prayer is a way to experience healing and compassion. It may well also be a spiritual practice that brings together groups committed to social and restorative justice. For over a decade, Ray Leonardini has been visiting the incarcerated residents of Folsom State Prison and other correctional facilities, where he has been teaching and facilitating Centering Prayer.

Thank you to: Franky Carrillo, Edward Frye, Tyrone Johnson, Mike Kelley, Martin Laird, O.S.A., Cherla Leonardini, Chuck McIntyre, Andy Norman, Rod and Pauline Rippel, Mary Ellen Rudden, Paul Sanchez, Carl Siegler, Patti Stalder, Lizzie Udwin, Ernie Valencia, Dr. Richard A. Wing, Scott Wood

Support from: The St. Augustine Foundation, Mount St. Mary’s University

Screenings & Film Festivals

CSJ Center for Reconciliation and Justice Symposium

Maui Film Festival

Morehouse College Human Rights Festival

Justice on Trial Film Festival

Lane College Documentary Film Festival

Holding Still with Dutch Subtitles

Documentaire en korte films door Prison Contemplative Fellowship

Holding Still, Centering Prayer and the Spiritual Journey

Naast diverse publicaties heeft PCF recent ook Holding Still, Centering Prayer and the Spiritual Journey geproduceerd: een meeslepende, openhartige en inzichtelijke korte documentaire film over het beoefenen van centering prayer in de gevangenis van Folsom (Californië). De film brengt een diverse groep mannen in beeld. Ze spreken vrijuit over hun jarenlang beoefenen van centering prayer tijdens hun verblijf in de gevangenis van Folsom. Het doel van de film is om gevangenen rechtstreeks te laten spreken met andere gevangenen verspreid over het hele land. Ze delen hun unieke verhalen en diepe wijsheid over de kracht van centering prayer bij het helen van trauma’s en het aanpakken van diepe gevoelens van toxische schaamte.

Samen met de documentaire ontwikkelde PCF korte begeleidende films met individuele interviews met de mannen in de documentaire, evenals een cursus voor personen en organisaties die centering prayer faciliteren in gevangenissen.

PCF werkt momenteel aan de Nederlandse ondertiteling van de twee korte begeleidende films What Happens in Centering Prayer (Wat gebeurt er in centering prayer) en Our Honest Notions of God (Onze eerlijke noties van God). Zodra deze beschikbaar zijn, zullen we een link naar deze films weergeven.

Holding Still Credits

Paul Dietering
Gregory Gibson
Lawrence Hamilton
Artist Knox
Eddie Lee Rand
Ket Vichitvongsa

Ray Leonardini, Prison Contemplative Fellowship

Mary Trunk

Caren McCaleb

Roman Zenz, assistance from Lucky Atkare

Production Assistants
Lilit Manukyan
Lea Smith
Kyle Vonn Elzey

“I’m very grateful for Centering Prayer. It’s helped me discover a genuine sense of empathy for people. I don’t have to treat people the way I’m feeling. That’s priceless.”

Josh on practicing Centering Prayer at Folsom Prison